
Articles Posted in Social Media


Facebook and Twitter Marketing Economics – Cynic’s Corner

There is a profitability model for companies promoting themselves on Facebook and Twitter. There a lot of people making good coin from the incessant flogging of companies and organizations in social media. It just isn’t the companies themselves who are profiting. Here is how it works in four easy steps:…


Social Media Ecosystem – Hamsters, Owls, Frogs, Hyenas, and Ostriches

Social media mirrors the dynamic features of a natural ecosystem. Which niche you are going to fill? Here are four examples with loving snarkitude – feel free to add more in comments. Hamsters constantly post small updates on every aspect of their life. Favorite habitats are Twitter and Facebook. They…


The Internet – A Golden Age of Literacy?

literacy n. The condition or quality of being literate, especially the ability to read and write. Surpise! It turns out that the generation in school today is writing more and reading more. Several recent reports provide evidence to support this startling claim. The internet – a time pig that has…


Wired Nails It On The New Literacy

Clive Thompson over at Wired has a great short essay on the modern revival of the written word in the age of social media. He cites work done at Stanford that shows that todays students are writing more than their parents – in fact 38% of their writing is has…


Gag Me With a Mission Statement – Friday Curmudgeon Edition

If you want to be taken seriously in the age of social media you have to speak authentically or people won’t believe you. Your marketing messages are a promise. I’ve written about delivering on that promise. Today I want to focus on the words. For the promise to be taken…


Twitter Peeves ‘n Raves – #1

We are collectively discovering the value of social media tools like Twitter. As we do this we wander blind alleys and make surprising discoveries. Forthwith a peeve and a rave about micro-blogging. Peeve – People who tweet that they are about to do something. So what? How about you tweet…


Great Article on the History and Implications of Social Media

Danah Boyd – one of the most incisive thinkers about how new technology is reshaping our lives (and more importantly to readers of this blog the lives of teenagers) – was recently hired by Microsoft Research. She gave a talk that summarized at a high level the history of social…

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