These are grim days for the world of education. Funding cuts past, present, and future loom over schools and districts. Class sizes are swelling, essential services are being trimmed, and any spending decision that can be delayed is sitting in limbo. The companies that serve schools are feeling the pinch…
Articles Posted in publishing
Tanned, Rested, & Ready
I’ve been on a bit of a blogcation since June. It has been a crazy summer both personally and professionally* and something had to give. I’m back. The K12 market has been in full meltdown since last November. Schools are struggling with state finances post stimulus, the Feds are not…
4 Ways To Grow A Publishing Company
eBooks, iPads, and the Kindle are changing the fundamental structure of the publishing industry. From a strategic perspective they are having the largest impact on the development and pricing of products. In other words it is affecting the “what” deeply. The “how” has not changed all that much, regardless of…
Gamification Is A Stupid Fad
There are bad ideas that become iconic for every era because they were popular fads. Pet Rocks, the Pacer, Supply Side Economics, and .com groceries all come to mind. Looking back we all scratch our heads and wonder – why? Gamification, ripping the reward and recognition systems out of video…
Education Technology Tipping Point #243
When educators choose new classroom materials their first challenge is to sift through dozens of options and narrow the search down to four to five options. In other words before they say “yes” to one solution they need to find reasons to say “no” to a host of other options.…
EdNet Article on Jobs for 21st Century Education Publishing
What are the missing skills needed in education publishing to create 21st Century products for 21st Century learners? I penned a thought experiment for EdNet on this topic. Education Publishing’s Own 21st Century Skills Gap – Change Begins At-Home Edition Fun Architects, Content Marines, Talent Wranglers, and Shibboleth Hunters all…
Education Publishing Link Love
A fresh batch of piping hot links that may be of interest to those in educational materials. Are game mechanics the key to great social media marketing? The following link weaves some fascinating connections between the world of gaming and the world of encouraging people to try new things (the…
How To Find a Job in Education Publishing – Part 2
What is the best way to break into education publishing? If you are young and starting out what launching pads set you up well for a career in the world of instructional materials and software? I’m bullish in the industry and think we are in one of the most creative…
Job Search Tips For Education Publishing – Part 1
How do you find a job in education publishing or technology? Recently I was asked for my thoughts on entering our industry by a mid-twenties alum of my high school. In the course of the conversation I found myself getting re-excited by all the great prospects in our industry. It…
The Web Is Breaking The Big Publisher’s Business Model
Today’s walkabout focuses on a fundamental shift in the instructional materials industry away from the scale economics of the big textbook publishers to the value of niche focused expertise. I believe this is the future of our business. In a world where Home Depot crushes the local hardware store only…