These are grim days for the world of education. Funding cuts past, present, and future loom over schools and districts. Class sizes are swelling, essential services are being trimmed, and any spending decision that can be delayed is sitting in limbo. The companies that serve schools are feeling the pinch…
Articles Posted in funding
ISTE 2010: Wile E. Coyote Moment?
Guest blogger Mike Baum of Sophia Consulting shares his insights on ISTE 2010. By Mike Baum In the old Road Runner cartoons, there’s always a point where the slavering coyote, relentlessly and enthusiastically pursuing his dinner, runs off a cliff. But he hangs in mid-air momentarily, falling only when he…
It Begins – Education Stimulus Round II
Federal ARRA stimulus funding has been keeping schools around the country on life support for the past year. Despite significant layoffs around the country it headed off catastrophe in many states. That era is coming to an end later this year or early next year. It was heartening to see…
Education and the Stimulus Package
Education is high on the list for the economic stimulus package being proposed by the Obama Administration. Congress also supports turbo charging education so the likelihood of significant aid to schools is very high. But where oh where will the money actually go? Construction? Maintenance? Teachers? Instructional Materials? As a…
Education Funding and Economic Downturn – Part 2
Today a look at education funding in the current economic crisis from guest blogger Doug Stein. Doug details how the market will react over the next two years and then lays out an interesting theory about how districts will bifurcate into factory and craftsman models on the rebound. Doug is…