
Articles Posted in Change


Porter’s Model Applied to Education Publishing – Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes Edition

For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There’s a battle outside And it’s ragin’ It’ll shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are-a-changin’ Bob Dylan Recently PCI’s Executive Team went offsite for a day to reflect on the state of the market…


The Web Is Breaking The Big Publisher’s Business Model

Today’s walkabout focuses on a fundamental shift in the instructional materials industry away from the scale economics of the big textbook publishers to the value of niche focused expertise. I believe this is the future of our business. In a world where Home Depot crushes the local hardware store only…


Innovate or Wither – Personal Strategy For Times of Change

In times of disruptive change the cutting edge is the safest place to be. To many people this seems counterintuitive. If there is rapid change the inclination of most people is to circle the wagons around the familiar. But, when the market is moving, breaking camp and moving forward is…


Do You Want Change in Education?

Here is some food for thought from Seth Godin on how social networking can help us organize. His main point – the side in an argument that is better organized usually wins. Whether your issue is education reform, textbook and software adoption, privatization, highly qualified teachers, NCLB, or any of…


New Education Technology – Disfunction Junction

Students and Educators might as well live on different planets when it comes to social media, blogs, and other Web 2.0 technologies. The educators are making fear based decisions because the new technologies are unfamiliar to them. The students are too busy figuring out how it all works to bother…

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