
The Education Business Blog


BETT – New Eyes on a Venerable Tradeshow

London – BETT claims to be the largest education technology convention in the world. From what I could see the scale of the show is about the same as ISTE (nee’ NECC) in the US, although the content is distinctly more international. There are some differences from US education trade…


Is The Internet Making Kids Smarter? – The Brain Doctor Weighs In

Ed Note: One of my favorite thinkers and practitioners on engaging kids deeply with Math and Science is Jim Bower. Jim is that rare combination of theorist and practitioner who is successful in both realms. He is both a Professor of Neuroscience at UTSA and the Founder/CEO of, arguably…


2011 Education Spending Outlook

Education spending patterns have been abnormal for several years. Publishing used to follow very predictable patterns – no more. Between the Great Recession and ARRA Stimulus funds we have been living in an era of seesaw budgets for three years. Since education spending lags the general economy by up to…


Optimist’s Corner – The World is Becoming a Better Place – Slowly

Data visualization is a tough thing to do really well – in fact this is one of the essential 21st Century Skills in extremely short supply today. But the world is slowly becoming a much better place to live and this outstanding video by Hans Rosling shows it clearly and…


Learning Management Systems – the Publishing Dilemma in K-12

Education publishers and Learning Management Systems have a long and somewhat checkered history. Open source publishing, XML, and content digitization are changing the LMS landscape rapidly. In today’s guest post Louise Dube outlines the issues facing companies creating instructional materials. By Louise Dube What to do? Educator Buying Trends, a…


The Web Is Breaking The Big Publisher’s Business Model

Today’s walkabout focuses on a fundamental shift in the instructional materials industry away from the scale economics of the big textbook publishers to the value of niche focused expertise. I believe this is the future of our business. In a world where Home Depot crushes the local hardware store only…


Why Did Textbook Publishers Get So Darn Big?

Over the past couple of decades education publishing has been characterized by waves of consolidation into a handful of giant conglomerates. This is a typical pattern in an industry as products commoditize. If products are effectively interchangeable (commodities) competitors gain competitive advantage through industrial scale cost management (economies of scale).…


Big Textbook Publishers = Dinosaurs?

An understatement – education publishing is changing. Heck, publishing writ large (trade books, music, movies, news, etc.) is shifting in dramatic and unpredictable ways. Textbooks are one of the last little corners of the intellectual property world to enter this new era. Today’s post is a teaser for a longer…


Book Fair 2010 – Winds of Change Edition

50% of the men did not wear neck ties at this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair. Traditional publishers are struggling with appropriate responses to digital transformation and aping the casual style of Silicon Valley seems to be popular. Interesting fact – if you wear a suit without a tie you still…

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