
The Education Business Blog


Data Driven Selling in K12 – Quick Start Guide

It is easy for a sales force to fall into a comfort zone. Data-driven decision making techniques can help insure that Reps are reaching beyond their current contacts. In many companies there is a great deal of data about the market. The challenge is to drive this into your field…


Clashing Paradigms – Update

In a conversation with Randy Pennington he pointed out that in my post textbooks vs. education technology – clash of paradigms I alluded to the financial paradigms but didn’t address them directly. Theres more… Textbook Publishers – Their financial model depends on winning large adoption contracts that yeild a high…


Textbooks vs. Education Technology – Clash of Paradigms

The worlds of textbook publishers and education technology companies are colliding. The market is driving this convergence – schools have had technology around long enough that they have figured out how it can integrate in with existing practices. Yet the list of successful educational products that blend print and technology…

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