Textbooks and Education Technology are changing in disruptive and dramatic ways. Technology substitution is driving a great deal of this change. The recent sale of Harcourt’s various divisions to Pearson and Houghton/Riverdeep is only the tip of the iceberg. Education Publishers of print and technology products, large and small, are…
The Education Business Blog
Education Blog Roundup
Interesting links on education publishing, education technology, and virtual worlds in education. Research shows schools that fund Libraries have higher scores. Annie Teich at Crazy for Kids Books talks about some work that AASL is doing to shed light on this. I’m surprised this research hasn’t been done before. Student…
This meme has been running around the blogosphere. In the spirit of “getting to know your blogger better” here is my version of this fun little collection of random facts. Four jobs I have had in my life (not including your current job): Street Musican (Seville, Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, New…
Myths About Video Games In School – Update
My article busting myths about video games and learning is on Technology & Learning’s website now – you can find it here. The prior link was to the flash version of the whole magazine. Many many many thanks to Jo-Ann McDevitt who encouraged this and especially to Susan McLester who…
Getting it Wrong – Slaying Myths About Video Games
Technology & Learning published the first part of my article on myths about games in the classroom today. [updated to connect to the non-flash version] This is a two part series. In next month’s issue I look at three more myths and suggest some paths forward for those who are…
Target Market – Niche Experiment – How Small Can You Go?
Can you build a target market for taco fine art photography? Bobby Henderson is trying it in an attempt to answer the question “Is there a niche so small that it will fail because it’s so small?” Think about this in the context of my article on selecting a target…
Virtual Worlds In Education Presentation @ EdNet 2007 #1
Second Life in Education is a hot topic. In that vein EdNet had a strong panel that included folks from SRI, a Teacher who has been using it extensively in her school, and a representative from Second Life. This is the first of three articles on this presentation. First off,…
EdNet 2007 Theme of the Day
Breaking down artificial boundaries in the world of Education emerged as a theme today at EdNet in Chicago. This applies to the curriculum, but it also applies to how schools are managed – it may be a new overarching meme for education. Chuck House from Media X at Standford kicked…
Video Games, Virtual Worlds, and Education Publishing – News from AGDC
On-line games and virtual worlds were the theme at this year’s Austin Game Developers Conference (AGDC). This is the third of a few roundup articles about the conference with a focus on topics of interest to education and education publishers. The parallels between how the web is changing the game…
AGDC – Nurturing Influencers for Education Products
The panel on Managing Influencers at the Austin Game Developers Conference yesterday got me thinking about a frequently ignored aspect of the K12 publishing world – building and nurturing communities of key influencers around education products. In education influencers are the people who speak at regional trade shows, who write…