What tools do teachers find useful for learning and teaching? The Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies out of the UK conducted a survey in 2007 that asked people to submit their top 10 tools – they then came up with a list of the top 100. If you are…
The Education Business Blog
FETC Room Number
If you are attending the panel on games and learning tomorrow the correct room number is 320 EF. I posted an incorrect number yesterday. Hope to see you there. (First post from the iPhone. Works like a charm. )
Games in Education Panel @ FETC
FETC 2008 starts tomorrow and I’m looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues from across the Education Technology industry. I’m participating in a panel discussion on Thursday afternoon about games and education that will balance practitioners with vendors in a discussion about the state of games and learning.…
Web 2.0 Marketing in Education – Part 2 Five Core Concepts
Hype alert – Web 2.0 Marketing is a paradigm shift but only a portion of the market is using it today. In Part 1 I argued that market trends should be pushing you to use social networking, blogs, wikis, and the other tools of Web 2.0 in your marketing mix.…
Web 2.0 Education Marketing – Part 1
Education marketers have been slow to adopt wikis, blogs, social networks, and virtual worlds. There are valid reasons for this (see below), but it is time for us as an industry to begin embracing these tools. In this series I’m going to explore the industry context, the gestalt, and some…
Teachers and the Internet: Five Things You Need to Know
By Guest Blogger Randy Wilhelm Educator’s love the internet but they have valid concerns about using it in the classroom. Thinkronize’s study, “Schools & Generation ‘Net” uncovered compelling insights from nearly 1,000 principals and library media specialists. Relevancy, commercialization, information literacy, instructional validity, and children’s safety were all significant issues.…
Ethics Video Game – Using Frankenstein to Teach Ethics?
Will a middle school video game to teach ethics using a story line out of zombie movies and Frankenstein work? Doug Thomas at USC’s Annenberg School of Communication is working on “Modern Prometheus” a game that involves plagues, body parts, and building a better monster. My hat is off to…
Thinkronize Study: Internet Dangers Increasing, Say Most K-8 Educators
New Thinkronize Research – Schools and Generation ‘Net – Shows that Porn Nudges out Predators as Leading Online Danger for Students Editor’s Note: Guest Blogger Randy Wilhelm, CEO of Thinkronize, will be sharing some insights from a survey they recently conducted on the concerns of Teachers and Parents what kids…
Games And Virtual Worlds for Education Forum
Technology & Learning On-Line has launched a set of forums on education technology issues. For some odd reason they selected me to moderate the Games and Virtual Worlds Forum. As the graphic shows teaching and learning is about a conversation, so lets get one going over there. MaestroC got the…
Poetry for Publishers
Sometimes in the rush to finish a chapter on deadline or to get six copies to Paducah by Friday we loose sight of the essence of what we are doing. Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietanmese monk, writing about how everything is connected expressed it this way: When you look at…