EdNet turned 20 this year. EdNet 2008 is happening right now in Boston. A huge congratulations goes out to the whole EdNet team for forging one of the required stops for the Educati. Nelson Heller, Vicki Bigham, Anne Wujcik and the rest of the team continue to put on an…
The Education Business Blog
Obama & Early Childhood Education
Barack Obama is proposing significant new investments in early childhood education. More attention has been focused on his drive to recruit an army of new teachers but I believe the early childhood focus is equally important. Why? As students age the gap between low performers and even average performers gets…
Print and Technology Blending – Pew Study
As print and technology products in education blend together the distinctions between textbook publishers and ed-tech providers are blurring in some very interesting ways. A recent report by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press on how on-line and traditional news media are blending together raises some…
Education Blog Roundup
Hot sizzling education publishing and ed-tech related links here! Obama’s call for more teachers, kids media preferences, 2.0 de jour, and assessing 21st Century skills all get a nod in a short week. Eduflack talks about Obama’s call for an army of teachers. I confess that I worry about federalizing…
Education Blog Roundup
Fresh hot blog links to education topics here. These are some of the posts that caught my attention recently – enjoy. Facebook for Teachers. This article is sad – lots of promise and money invested by people who just don’t get it. One district can not support their own social…
Libraries – From Storehouse to Studio
Videogames in the Library? Wouldn’t installing a Wii or an xBox bring a lot of unruly teenagers into a refuge of quiet and intellect? It turns out that putting computer games in a library brings in a huge wave of new patrons and dramatically increases circulation – of books! Two…
Powerpoint = Billboard
Powerpoint slides are “glance media” just like billboards. Today’s post by Garr Reynolds at Presentation Zen is an excellent synopsis of how billboards can inform slide design. His post builds on Nancy Duarte’s Slide:ology where she sets the standard for glance media – “Ask yourself whether your message can be…
Database Fluency – Core Skill for the 21st Century
Information is expanding exponentially. Applying database concepts to your information diet can mean the difference between overload and sanity, chaos and productivity. Database fluency is mandatory in a digital world. Students and teachers should be practicing and refining this skill so that today’s learners can make the most of the…
More Shelves or Less Stuff?
Schools are inundated with paper and instructional materials at this time of year. Those of us who build education products and create marketing collateral should be cognizant of is how wasteful so much of this is. In our personal lives many of us go through the “more shelves or less…
Summer Listening iMix & More Thoughts on iTunes for Education
My prior post on iTunes and Textbooks started with this iMix. As I mulled the educational implications over I realized that this was exactly how teachers should be sharing instructional materials. As a musician and music aficionado I listen to a lot of new music. My tastes range across genres…