
Friday Curmudgeon – OER Edition

Quick – what percentage of your iTunes library is produced by amateurs? For that matter how many books on your eReader of choice are self-published works?

If you are like most people the answer to both questions is “slim to none.”

The point is that quality matters in any medium. Moving from analog to digital doesn’t reduce expectations of quality – in many cases it increases it.

Free music and self-published books, and teacher created lessons have always been a part of our media ecosystem. With the advent of digital distribution they can play a bigger role – but in the grand scheme they remain part of a much bigger marketplace.

There will always be a role for professionally produced content in education. The next time someone touts free OER as a panacea look to your own behavior with music and novels and ask why teachers should be any different with instructional materials.

Also, remember that you made an aesthetic choice – educators have their job on the line. Risk aversion rises with the stakes at play.

Carry on.

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