
Freaking Brilliant Marketing

This is genius. Someone carefully thought this through and executed well. I laughed out loud several times. You have to engage as you write the story.

And we know that stories are powerful learning tools

There is some cussing – but whether it is truly NSFW is up to you.

My personal favorite? Shooting the bear.

Marketing As A Group Activity – Morgan’s Wonderland Trip

Sometimes you don’t have to go it alone with a marketing campaign – in fact when you partner well the sum is a good deal greater than the parts.

PCI is sponsoring a family to visit Morgan’s Wonderland – the first amusement park designed specifically for individuals with special needs located in San Antonio. If you know a family that has contributed in their community and you want to give back to them send in a nomination via We Are Teachers.

This is a three way partnership between Morgan’s Wonderland, PCI, and We Are Teachers and is designed to deliver a real benefit where our audiences overlap. We are leveraging the social network of We Are Teachers, the reach of PCI into the special needs community, and the innovative work the Morgan’s team have done.

 Images Morgans-Wonderland Mw-Logo

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