
Education Publishing Link Love

A fresh batch of piping hot links that may be of interest to those in educational materials.

Are game mechanics the key to great social media marketing? The following link weaves some fascinating connections between the world of gaming and the world of encouraging people to try new things (the essence of marketing).

Everything I ever learned about marketing I learned from Dungeons and Dragons by Ian Lurie at Conversation Marketing.

What does this mean for students AND teachers?

Can authors simply ignore publishers in the world of Kindle and iBooks? Amanda Hocking, a 26 year old living in Minnesota, is minting coin at an astounding rate with no publisher.

The Very Rich Indie Writer over at Novelr.

Can this happen in education? You betcha.

How does ePub overturn the economics of print distribution? Mike Shatzkin’s take on the demise of the wholesale model in trade publishing is worth a look. These economics are headed towards education and we’d better sort it out sooner rather than later.

Random House joining the (formerly) Agency 5, and what it might mean at the Shatzkin Files.

As Ted Turner is fond of saying “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.”
Seth has a new book. Go read it (in your iPad).

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