Today a look at education funding in the current economic crisis from guest blogger Doug Stein. Doug details how the market will react over the next two years and then lays out an interesting theory about how districts will bifurcate into factory and craftsman models on the rebound. Doug is…
Articles Posted in K12 Publishing
The Great Education Debate – Obama vs. McCain at AEP
The Obama and McCain campaigns squared off at the Great American Education Forum sponsored by the Association of Education Publishers (AEP)* in Washington DC today. Educational policy experts from the campaigns addressed a wide range of positions the candidates are staking out from vouchers to the federal role in education.…
New Pricing Models for Education Companies – AEP Panel
Yesterday I moderated a panel at the Association of Education Publishers meeting in Washington DC on innovative business models for education companies. The panel was made up of: Martin Knott, President Joe McDonough Mark Tullis, I represented two of my clients – and We talked…
Education Spending and The Economy
How will the economic downturn affect education budgets? How are executives at publishing houses and education technology firms planning for the recession? Education Week noted a couple of weeks ago: “…states across the country are confronting deteriorating budget conditions that have tied the hands of legislators and governors hoping to…
Urban Schools & Education Technology – 10 Requests
What do large school districts need from ed-tech providers? Michael Casserly Executive Director of the Council of the Great City Schools spoke at the Software Information Industry Association (SIIA) conference this week in San Francisco. The speech was direct, honest, and well balanced in tackling some difficult issues like NCLB.…
Stager Takes Reading First and NCLB Behind the Woodshed
Don’t miss Gary Stager’s scathing take down of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) over at the Huffington Post. He cites a recent review by the Department of Education’s Institute for Education Sciences that stated: “The program did not increase the percentages of students in grades one, two or three whose…
New Index Reveals The Most Popular Keywords for K-12 Students
By Randy Wilhelm, CEO Thinkronize – Guest Blogger Did George Washington’s dog play multiplication math games with Abraham Lincoln’s animals during the Civil War? I would guess the answer is a resounding no. However, a new Index reveals the most popular keywords that K-12 students are searching for on the…
Developing Reading Fluency = Grinding in Video Games
The reaction of many parents and educators to the idea of playing games in school is horror. School is supposed to be serious hard work. What these people don’t know is that in modern video games doing tasks repetitively to slowly build skills and status is the norm not the…
Blog Roundup
It has been a while since I did a round up of blog articles, time to clean a few items out. Rather than dump a long list I’ve picked four articles I’ve found particularly interesting in the past few weeks. Matt Mihaly over at The Forge notes that MMO’s/Virtual Worlds…
Do You Want Change in Education?
Here is some food for thought from Seth Godin on how social networking can help us organize. His main point – the side in an argument that is better organized usually wins. Whether your issue is education reform, textbook and software adoption, privatization, highly qualified teachers, NCLB, or any of…