Hot sizzling education publishing and ed-tech related links here! Obama’s call for more teachers, kids media preferences, 2.0 de jour, and assessing 21st Century skills all get a nod in a short week. Eduflack talks about Obama’s call for an army of teachers. I confess that I worry about federalizing…
Articles Posted in K12 Publishing
Education Blog Roundup
Fresh hot blog links to education topics here. These are some of the posts that caught my attention recently – enjoy. Facebook for Teachers. This article is sad – lots of promise and money invested by people who just don’t get it. One district can not support their own social…
Libraries – From Storehouse to Studio
Videogames in the Library? Wouldn’t installing a Wii or an xBox bring a lot of unruly teenagers into a refuge of quiet and intellect? It turns out that putting computer games in a library brings in a huge wave of new patrons and dramatically increases circulation – of books! Two…
Database Fluency – Core Skill for the 21st Century
Information is expanding exponentially. Applying database concepts to your information diet can mean the difference between overload and sanity, chaos and productivity. Database fluency is mandatory in a digital world. Students and teachers should be practicing and refining this skill so that today’s learners can make the most of the…
More Shelves or Less Stuff?
Schools are inundated with paper and instructional materials at this time of year. Those of us who build education products and create marketing collateral should be cognizant of is how wasteful so much of this is. In our personal lives many of us go through the “more shelves or less…
iTunes and Textbooks
Why can’t teachers buy lessons like people buy songs off of iTunes? Are publishers at risk of irrelevance if they don’t proactively solve this problem for their customers? I have noticed that my music habits have changed dramatically over the past 5-6 years. With the advent of iTunes I was…
Education Blog Round Up
Education technology bloggers have been a busy lot with NECC 08, end of school year, and lots of new products to play with. Here are just a smattering of some of my favorite posts from the past few weeks. Enjoy. John Rice flagged an article showing that putting games in…
NECC 2008 – The Vendor View
ISTE’s NECC 2008 was a success by any measure. The sibilant susurration of schmoozing and selling suffused the show space. Attendance was high (12,250), sessions were well attended (over 924), and the show floor was constantly busy. Even the San Antonio weather cooperated by being a bit cooler than usual.…
Let’s Get NECC’ed
ISTE’s National Education Computing Conference (NECC) 2008 is in full swing in San Antonio. The Education Technology maven’s tribal gathering is bigger than ever. A sign over the entrance reads “The Worlds Largest Education Technology Exhibit.” That’s a Texas sized ambition. Here are a few impressions from day one. I’ll…
Education and the Economy – Part 3
How are education publishers reacting to the economic downturn? Guest blogger and PR maven Charlene Blohm shares some concrete examples of steps companies are taking to trim expenses. Part 1 – Education Spending & The Economy – Survey Results Part 2 – Education Funding Market Dynamics – By Doug Stein…