Education spending patterns have been abnormal for several years. Publishing used to follow very predictable patterns – no more. Between the Great Recession and ARRA Stimulus funds we have been living in an era of seesaw budgets for three years. Since education spending lags the general economy by up to…
Articles Posted in Economy & Education
Thanks DC!
Congress finally passed some support for state budgets to make sure there are enough teachers as school opens. Kind of “yay.” We accomplished this by planning to cut food stamps starting in 2014. This comic succinctly captures the essence of our national experience since the summer of 2007 when all…
ISTE 2010: Wile E. Coyote Moment?
Guest blogger Mike Baum of Sophia Consulting shares his insights on ISTE 2010. By Mike Baum In the old Road Runner cartoons, there’s always a point where the slavering coyote, relentlessly and enthusiastically pursuing his dinner, runs off a cliff. But he hangs in mid-air momentarily, falling only when he…
A Broken Senate Fails America’s Children
Yesterday the minority in the Senate ended the chances that the Extender’s Bill would pass the Senate. While 57 Senators – a clear majority – wanted to do the right thing a determined minority used procedural votes to force mass layoffs of teachers, firefighters, and police across the country (300,000-500,000).…
Trade Show Revival?
Are trade shows rising from the dead? Last week at CEC and this week at IRA attendance was up dramatically from last year. CEC went from 5,200 attendees to over 6,500. IRA was somewhere north of 12,000 depending who you believe. Activity on the show floors was strong and sessions…
Obama’s Special Education Policy – Duncan Speaks at CEC
When Secretary of Education Arne Duncan made room in his schedule on short notice to keynote the Council for Exceptional Children’s annual convention in Nashville this week it sent a clear message that students with special needs will be front and center in policy decisions from the Obama Administration. The…
It Begins – Education Stimulus Round II
Federal ARRA stimulus funding has been keeping schools around the country on life support for the past year. Despite significant layoffs around the country it headed off catastrophe in many states. That era is coming to an end later this year or early next year. It was heartening to see…
What Seth Said
Seth Godin makes a critical point for instructional materials. The platforms are changing all around us. Mobile phones, iPad, Kindle, Android, white boards, Moodle, etc. Are you paying attention? I refer you to four part series about technology substitution in the textbook publishing industry. Don’t write the changes we are…
(More) Storm Clouds Brewing
The economy has already had a huge impact on education budgets. But if you think it is bad now wait until the ARRA stimulus goes away. This chart tells the whole story. Bright Green – Over 30% Olive Green – 20-30% Dark Green – Under 20% White – Surplus Nine…
FETC 2010: Frost or Future?
FETC 2010 provided an opportunity to assess the health of the Education Technology market. In today’s guest blog my friend Mike Baum shares his take on the highlights and lowlights of this year’s trade show By Mike Baum Coming to Orlando from Wisconsin in January, I expect warmer weather. I…