
Articles Posted in Data Driven Selling


Monday Links

In “Four years into the ebook revolution: things we know and things we don’t know” Mike Shatzkin does a great job of summarizing the state of the trade publishing business. Education Publishers take note – this is your future. In “Predicting Player Behavior and How Zynga Profits From Data Analysis”…


Web Marketing Vs. Trade Show ROI

OK – admit it, trade shows are fun. Sometimes traveling to a distant city, circulating with your peers, and dining out on the company can be a kick. You are learning too – about competitors and about your customers. The deadlines around a trade show can produce drama and tension,…


Harnessing The Power Of Story for Education Sales – Part 2

In this second of a two part series, guest blogger James Mayfield Smith responds to my post on Storyline in Textbooks and Video Games. James is an educational consultant, sales executive, and trained applied mythologist. Part 1 can be found here.
 Part 2 of 2: The Tactical Use of Story…


An Education Consultant Speaks – School Sales & Marketing 101 Part 2

Do you need to pick a target market when entering the education market? One of the true signs of a rookie is a business plan built on selling to all schools. Just because all schools should be using your widget doesn’t mean they are ready to buy it. Picking a…


10 Ideas to For Marketing & Selling In The Age of Information Overload – Part 4

Marketing and selling in the era of infinite input feels like howling into a gale. The average urban dweller is subject to 4,000 ads a day, 1 every 14 seconds. The only sane defense is to tune it all out, to turn it into wallpaper for your world. Earlier in…


Data Driven Selling in K12 – Quick Start Guide

It is easy for a sales force to fall into a comfort zone. Data-driven decision making techniques can help insure that Reps are reaching beyond their current contacts. In many companies there is a great deal of data about the market. The challenge is to drive this into your field…

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